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Frequently Asked Questions


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(9) This is a very simple looking webpage and app, Spartan even - Would you attach a bath tub to a engine just becasue one is on hand? How about a Potted Plant?

Function controls design, This app is ment to do everything so we had to make sure to keep it simple and easy so you can move into it with no effort.

(8) Why am I paying $20.01 - Under the 7th amendment, the right to trial by jury shall be preserved for anything involving more then $20, (hence the 1 cent over twenty dollars) as such we can not be ordered by any to do anything in regards to you, A physical Jury must sit on you in the real world thus ending censorship (which is illigal in the first place).

This also funds the Digital Sea Award.

(7) What is the "Digital Sea Award" - It is a 10 million dollar prize given out to members of our Club who release through our app - needed technologies - open source, open patent, with instructions on how to build which are then subject to 2 years of peer review via building and testing of said tech.

Half of your $20.01 pays for that by the way - more details in the Constitutional Contractual Agreement (it is term 16).

(6) AI? Sentient Software? - We teach your the frame work in basic english inside the app - check the group "digital sea" its simple, fun, and can be made with any programing language.

Find me, let us talk - I am Halchair

(5) What is your legal stance on "insert legal woe here" - The software uses a digital jury so you all deal with that, see the CCA for more information.

(4) How does this reporting system work? You click the report button, make a report, a digital jury (your peers in this club) review it and come to a conclusion on if its a
(1. DMCA violation - deintex)
(2. criminal content - to inform police about)
(3. Bot/Sockpuppet account - remove from system)
(4. False Flag - ignore complaint).

Once 1000 of your peers (other users of agree the situation is any one of the above four options, the system acts and the user base will do the rest - if needed.

(3) Can I make things private - NO, if you post it to the system everyone can see it - direct messages between two people are encrypted but the other party can still report what you sent them if they see a problem with it.

(2) Can I share the Freeware version I download - YES, The paid version is tied to you, the freeware is just tied to the IP and machine it is run on by date/time.

(1) How do I purchase this software and join this private club - DOWNLOAD the free version of the software/app and purchase the full program through the software itself, we let you try before you buy.

DigitalSeaLite - Windows 10 - Early Alpha Release 01/06/2022

"Give me the storm and tempest of thought and action, rather than the dead calm of ignorance and faith!
Banish me from Eden when you will; but first let me eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge!"

- Robert G. Ingersoll

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