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Want Freedom From Censorship?
Join The Club


We Are...

A peer-to-peer decentralized social media network, Owned, Policed, Controlled and Upgraded by our User Base

Further - we offer a prize like the "Nobel" for specific technology released open source, open patient on our system after 2 years of peer review and testing

So come on in, say Hi, wander around and share your thoughts, see all the cool stuff the idiots are trying to keep from you.

We are in this for the future of the human race, so join us, it could be fun : D

To circumvent the growing push by governments and tech companies world wide to choose what you will be allowed to see, hear, show and say.

We are creating software, small and simple that performs the functions of search engines, website hosting, social media sites and more!

Through the use of the Internet, Blue Tooth, Cell phones and other existing tech you will always stay connected with those you want to reach.

DigitalSeaLite - Windows 10 - Early Alpha Release 03/June/2023

App Screen Shots

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Dark Mode/Home Screen
Light Mode/Direct Chat
Dark Mode/Profile Page

Sentient Operating Systems...OBSERVING
Basic AI's................................OBSERVING
Self Hosting Internet..........PENDING
Self Update Software.........90%DONE
Social Media App...............30%DONE
Search Engine...................PENDING
Video Hosting....................PENDING
File Sharing.......................PENDING
Web Hosting......................PENDING

Read How It Works In The Two Links Below

Constitutional Contractual Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions

"If its free,
It doesn't work...
You pay double some place else - or
You are the product being sold"

- quote from the God who would be Frog

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