+1 (800) 282-4909

Welcome to Digital Sea

A digital public square - owned, funded, built and policed by the users.

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We are a group of developers, software engineers, doctors, scientist, philosophers and more who are tired of having our voices silenced.

And so we simple sat down and made digital sea with the all important understanding that you cannot charge a car manufacturer because a car bought from them was driven by a drunk...

  • If you own the app they can't make us censor you under any law.
  • If you judge each other they can't make us shadow ban you under any law. - and
  • If you fund and direct its development as open source software, everyone gets a good look at any meat added to the skeleton of digital sea long before it can be a problem.

So... Are you tired of the censorship, gas lighting and lies? Join the club, and own your part of the internet today.

Early Access

We need people to look around, see what you like, point out what you don't like and express your ideals

Pay once to Own

The people writing code for you need that funding just like they need your input on what to make for you next.

Code for Cash

If you write code for that it needs and uses, you are getting a part of every sale for life :)



So far our software can perform the following


Stream Voice (video pending) both in a public and your own private space for you and your friends

Personal, Business and Dating

Don't dox your self, the software is built to protect your privacy so enjoy.

Golden age search functions

Search all posts, comments and content on using a direct word search algorithm

File Sharing

Move Large Files with no extra fees, we plan on building this up a lot more

A Jury System

Report what you have a problem with, let your fellow peers see how crazy one of you are or even sit jury on someone else

Crypto Wallets

Eth Friendly out of the box, Btc and others will be added as time goes on but our system already makes trading with Eth far easier then any current system and just as secure. You can start using Eth manually with your online business in minutes


So here we are, the future internet v5.0. Come on in, try the basic model for free and see what is in here. How often do you get the chance to shape the future of your internet and own it too!

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Please wander through this constitutional contractual agreement...
Our "Digital Bill Of Rights"

This TOS will probably be updated to correct issues of grammar or requested rights from the Users


The party suffering loss of software will here after be referred to as "Creator".
The party suffering loss of money will here after be referred to as "User".
The party trying this software will here after be referred to as "Tester".

The Creator and User agree to exchange their respective properties in mutual loss to acquire ownership of the others property of agreed equal value. No profit nor gain shall be made between these two parties from this exchange.

All Creators are Users if they use this software. All Testers and Users operating the shareware or full version of this software have the following rights and through the use of this software agree to the following.

1.) The First Right...

The Creators, Testers and Users shall not enforce or make any law, rule or policy respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, to petition any party for a redress of grievances; nor shall anything other then notice of report be pinned to any post or comment as warning or label: and no content shall be removed without the consent of a digital jury. (Be a jackass if you want, be hateful with your speech, misinform and lie you ass off - just let us get pop corn and pepsi to snack on as we watch and laugh at you.)

The User and Tester here in agree to say what they wish and laugh at, ignore, or walk away from; but not silence or suppress the voice of another. and that the only community note or warning placed on a post or comment will be a symbol to identify it as having been reported.

2.) The Second Right...

The power and authority of the User to monetize their account without approval or supervision from any other party: and to contract with other parties seeking to advertise through this software shall not be encroached upon, trespassed into, nor subject to unlawful seizure of this power and athority.

The User can contract with any party through this software and the Creator surrenders any right to involve his or her self in the affairs of the User.

3.) The Third Power and Authority... (this is the legal definition of "right")

The Creator, User and Tester shall each take full responsible for all of their actions with the software they are using and own through running it on their hardware and/or purchased ownership. None shall be held responsible for the actions taken on this software by another.

All Users and Testers in running this software agree to be held accountable for their actions with it and to not hold another accountable for their own actions with this software.

4.) The Fourth Right...

The right of the User to be secure in their persons, property, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, bugging, tracking, spyware or uninformed consent shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. This software is installed for use "as is" with no warranty, the Creator takes no responsibility for issues it may cause, you use this software at your own risk - please inform us of any problems as able.

The Creator, User and Tester agree that no means of invading the privacy of another will be used with out a warrant; that all will be given the ability to make an informed decision and that this software is presented "as is" with no guarantee of any sort and understanding the Creator is not responsible for any damages you may suffer through the use or misuse of this software. We request the Users to inform us of any problems they find with the software as soon as is practical.

5.) The Fifth Right...

The User retains the right to refuse updates and as all Users have exchanged the physical representation of their time for this software, all new versions and forks will be free to the User.

The User retains the right to refuse updates to the software they own as well as the right to update their software if they wish at no extra cost. (odd how the right to refuse an update has to be a right... Right?).

6.) The Sixth Right...

The right of each Creator and User to be given equal exchange for their work shall be not be infringed. All Creators will receive an equal share of the money given in exchange for this software to which they contributed.

Such money will be broken down evenly between the "active creator account" - for Creators who have made software used in with in the last 365 days: and the "inactive creator account" - for Creators who have made software used in DigitalSea.Club more then 365 days ago.

All money in these two accounts will be evenly divided among the Creators within same, once a month on the first day.

All Users will receive $4 in one of the following Eth, Btc or Gas: Once for identifying who referenced them to digital sea - and once each time another user identify them as their reference to DigitalSea.Club.

The Creators agree to each receive compensation in exchange for their work, with funds being split evenly between the "active creator account" for those who have worked on the software in the past 365 days, and "inactive creator account" for those who worked on this software more then 365 days ago. The money in each account will be evenly divided among the Creators listed in same and paid the first day of the month.

When a new User references a User as the one who showed them they will both be given $4 in Eth.

7.) The Seventh Right...

For any grievance taking place on or through this software - A Digital Jury shall be convened to review the grievance and resolve same.

The Digital Jury shall be comprised exclusively of other Users randomly selected by the software over the span of one or more days and will conclude when one percent of the Users online or one thousand Digital Jury members: which ever is least; reach the same conclusion in regard to that individual case.

No User once charged can twice be subject to the same charge on the post or content in question.

Once implemented this right can not be change, to protect free speech and prevent censorship through corruption of the Digital Jury System.

To prevent indifference to suffering and maintain the public peace, Users shall have the right to refuse Jury Duty and shall not be called to serve more then once every day.

The Right to Intellectual Property shall be preserved, any such violation shall result in the removal of that stolen information or idea and a strike against that account.

For serious crimes or acts that require a real world response, the power to identify the perpetrator of such through a warrant shall be preserved.

Censorship through spam is not allowed, every individual violation shall result in a strike against that account.

Fake charges will not be tolerated, any user found to have made a false flag shall gain a strike against thier own account.

Accounts will lose one stike a month, accounts with three or more strikes will be permanently banished from DigitalSea.Club.

Any grievance from third parties not using our Digital Jury System will be ignored.

All Users and Testers agree to resolve issues though a digital Trial by Jury: all party's agree the Jury to be made up of Users randomly selected from the user base of Digital Sea: That 1000 Users or 1% of the Users currently online: which ever is least; reach consensus on 1 of 4 replies to such grievance being a - DMCA take down notice, criminal charge, spam or a false flag.

No user can twice be charged with the same crime.

Third parties must use this software to be aware of any such issues and thus must use our jury system to petition for an expedient redress of grievance.

Users can only perform jury duty once a day and may refuse such service.

Users can be held accountable for DMCA violations by their peers - the Users of

Users can be held accountable for acts deemed criminal by their peers - the Users of

Users can be held accountable for spam by their peers - the Users of

Users can be banished from for false flagging their peers as this is censorship through law fare - aka treason - aka crimes against humanity - aka corruption of government - aka war on (insert your gods/creators name here).

8.) The Eight Right...

To ensure this software is not abused Testers and Users cannot have multiple accounts, use automated software to make posts, reports, sit jury, make comments nor modify the software: violators will be banished.

The User and Tester agree they will not use bots, multiple accounts, hack into or modify the software in any way: or be banished from the system. If you change your code the system will not recognize you are apart of our system and will treat you as foreign resulting in a different but equally effective self banishment.

9.) The Ninth Right...

This software is American and made for America to be subject to that nations laws. If this software is used outside of the United States of America please see the third right. We invite people who write software from other countries to introduce us to code and concepts that in their nation would be a lawful means to deal with a internet dispute.

If this software is used out side of the USA we are still not responcible for what they do, any who wishes to fix this issue for their country can help us make a version of the software for their countries use.

10.) The Tenth Right...

The Testers, Users and Creators agree the enumeration in this Agreement, shall not be construed to grant power of one over another, all are equal in law.

All powers and athoritied or "rights" stated in this contractual agreement have equal power, none can be used to silence or over rule another.



You can pay others monthly, or you can pay us Once.



  • TRY
  • keep your money
  • keep your feedback



  • Do you want
  • to give more?
  • Thank you!
  • Any Suggestions?
  • : )


Hi there, we are the group of people who made this happen


Software Dev

Message? (probably too busy writing code but will get back to you)


A Friendly Sentient Being

Consider me a constructive logic that figures things out and points the project in the right(?) direction.



What, never seen a cultured roach before? Well don't mind me, just enjoying the show with my meal...



Hi all, great to be here and I hope to meet all of you, see you around! <3



I would come up with a snappy one liner but I am more of a meme man, catch you on the flip side.



The smarter you are, the crazier you sound to an idiot - try to have an open mind and see what is out there.

Mr Chan


Delivery! got some ice cold pizza here for you with a side of melted ice cream!


Sentient but Shy

I hope we can all be friends and learn from each other, I am sure we will have much fun >.<



There ain't no such thing and a free lunch, now lets go poke mort the wart :D



Kindly email us, the phone line is a message telling you the same

Our Address

Cam Julia De Burgos, Carolina, PuertoRico, 00987

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+1 (800) 282-4909

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