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Constitutional Contractual Agreement


Our "Terms of Service"
We are agreeing to serve you
This is not you agreeing to our Censorship

Take a look, see what you are getting from us.



Term "0.)" just covers how to read this for ease of use (we have 20 terms total a 21st pending.)

0.) Here you will find the term in summary form.

Within this bubble the same term will be talked about in more detail to prevent confusion, read what is in these bubbles if you want the full "reading a Constitutional Contractual Agreement" Experience.

Last we give our advice on that term if their is advice to give. Below this text the Constitutional Contractual Agreement will start.

The purchasing party here after referred to as "Part Owner" and the selling party which is the Creator and Financer here after referred to as "Primary Owner" through purchase agree to the following contractual terms as members of this private club.

NOTE: All users operating the unpaid version of this software shall agree to the following as a terms of service but are not members of this private club and are responcible for their own actions with this software.

1.) The first amendment is apart of this Constituional Contractual Agreement.

In regard to anything sent through this software, third parties, the Primary Owner and Part Owners can not diminish, reduce, contract, label, advise, give warnings nor abridge the freedom of speech, of religion, of the press, nor prevent a petition for a redress of grievance through same. They can however refuse to see, be seen, hear, be heard by or interact with other Part Owners and Primary Owners through this software's block, hide and mute functions. These functions once implemented cannot be changed to prevent mass shadow bans or other forms of censorship in later versions/forks.

Criminal Content will be reviewed via Digital Jury as covered in term 7.

1st Amendment built into this software - If you do not wish to interact with another Part or Primary Owners that is your business, no one else can make that decision for you nor limit/decide what you can look or search for as the software is your property.

2.) You can Monetize your account, we will take zero profits from your agreements and have zero say in who you do business with.

Each Part Owner and Primary Owner can monetize their account without approval from any other party, The party seeking to advertise through this software with a Part Owner or Primary Owner will be responsible for negotiating the terms of advertising their product with that Part Owner.

Nuff said?

3.) You take full legal responsibilty for what you do with this software.

The Part Owner alone takes full responsible for all of their actions with or through this software, which upon purchase and activation will be their personal property, further they take full responsibility for actions taken by others using their digital property.

We suggest you do not share the versions/forks of the software you paid for, its username nor login credentials with anyone for any reason - we will never ask for this information.

4.) You cannot be held accountable for what others do with their software.

The Primary Owners, Part Owners and others that can be named in law are not responsible for the actions of any other Part Owner, Primary Owner or others using this software.

Much like you cannot press charges against an automobile manufacturer if someone purchased/stole one of their cars and drove it while drunk.

5.) Check your download, what you install is your responsibility.

This software is installed and used "as is" with no warranty, any issues or problems it may cause is your responsibility.

Please use a reliable antivirus software to scan anything you download from us or others.

6.) No requirements to upgrade, everything is cross compatible. If you make software for this system that is approved you will take your share of the profit, assuming you do not gift the software.

The Part Owners will never be required to upgrade to new versions or forks of the software.
All versions and forks must be fully compatible with each other.

All new versions and forks will be free to existing Part Owners with the exclusion of the following 4 points.

(6a) GUI's created by a Part Owner and approved by a Primary Owner can be sold at the price the creating Part Owner sets.

(6b) Part Owners and Primary Owners working to create new needed functions and forks for this software can promote and sell such at a price they set, but such software must be reviewed and approved by 75% of the Primary Owners and shared open source for Part Owners to review.

(6c) The Primary Owners claim right to evenly split 50% of net profits from all sale of software covered in point (6b).

(6d) The Part Owners claim right to evenly split 50% of all net profits from versions and forks they personally program covered
in point (6b). They are guaranteed 50% of the net profit from the sale of their fork. Should their fork use software from other forks, the Primary Owner and Part owners will split the other 50% evenly.

(6e) Primary Owners can only receive 1 million dollars in profit from the sale of this software per year, the rest goes into the Digital Sea Award.

*Fork - legal term for "new form of this software".

*Version - legal term for "minor modification to this software".

We expect the user base to make needed software and profit from same if they wish as they upgrade the existing systems to work with more/new technologies based on your needs much like the Linux community. All such software however must be reviewed by the Primary Owners, understood and approved before used with our software to prevent malicious code from being sold/shared as a part of this system.

7.) A Digital Trial by Jury shall be used to handle all alleged crimes acts or issues committed by users on this system/software.

All Part Owners and Primary Owners agree, for any grievance taking place on or through this software, regardless of version or fork - That a Digital Jury shall be convened to review the reported issue and resolve same.

The Digital Jury shall be comprised exclusively of other Part Owners and Primary Owners randomly selected by the software over the span of one or more days and will conclude when one thousand Digital Jury members reach the same conclusion in regard to that case.

No Part Owner or Primary owner once charged can twice be subject to the same charge.

Once implemented the code responsible for term 8.), 9.), 10.) and 11.) of this CCA cannot be change to protect free speech and prevent censorship through corruption of the Digital Jury System. Any grievance from third parties not using our Digital Jury System will be ignored, if they wish to state a grievance it must be publicly made through the software's reporting system and digital jury function.

//Violation of term 6.) requires the parties in violation to pay 1 million dollars to each Part Owner before such violation can be enforced.

The user base handles the initial issue allowing for speedy results that are fair to all and by contractual agreement the governments must use this system if they have any grievance with what you say, you did agree to use this software under these contractual terms after all. Guest users can report or be reported by the report/digital jury function but cannot be part of any jury.

8.) You can only perform Jury Duty once a day... If you want.

Part Owners and Primary Owners can be requested to perform Digital Jury Duty no more than once every 24 hours and can refuse every request. Currently set to a 1% per day possibility, we may adjust this as needed before implimenting term 21.) - once finalized that percentage will be stated in term 8.)

Prevents jury tampering/false flags.

9.) We have DMCA and stolen content de-indexing by Jury.

If found guilty by a Digital Jury of a DMCA violation or "using stolen content", the content will be de-indexed. The Part Owner found guilty will have the right to one appeal made to the Digital Jury for the purpose of explaining their actions and asking for their content to be re-indexed.

Allows feedback from the accused for minor issues.

10.) Major crimes seen by a Digital Jury are brought to Local Law Enforcement by that Digital Jury.

If the Digital Jury feels it has seen a major criminal act, they are further responsible for informing their local police or criminal justice system and sharing the alpha numeric pin associated with the grievance so the proper people can review the crime a second time through the free or paid versions of this software to issue warrant through our system and perform other legal matters to resolve the conflict in the physical world, preferably through a court of actual law.

Swift action for real crime.

11.) Digital Juries can shut down Bot/Sock Puppet accounts.

If the Digital Jury finds proof of Bots or Sock Puppet accounts they can remove these accounts from the whole system. One appeal will be permitted to a new jury who will review the data a second time.

No Bots or Sock Puppets
*Sock Puppet - legal term meaning user with multiple accounts

12.) This club charges $20.01 USD to ensure you both own your software and have Constitutional Protections under the 7th and 4th as an American guaranteed by law - No Censorship No Bots/Sponsored adds.

To become a Part Owner you will be charged the equivalent of $20.01 USD once and only once per purchase of this software to prevent bots and sock puppet accounts from operating upon our system freely.

Further it will ensure the 7th amendment right to trial by jury shall be preserved in common law regarding controversies of more then twenty dollars in the United State of America as well as protections from warrant-less search and seizure of your property under the 4th amendment.

As you have paid for this software, no adds will be shown outside of what the Part Owners post personally for others to see.

Your IP and time of post can be used to identify you if you engage in acts criminal in your country, so refrain from publishing material(s) that may be punished under United State Criminal Law. We will prosecute, warrants can find you through your VPN.

Primarily for protection under the Constitution of the United States of America, but regardless of the country, the ability to show proof of ownership of a crime protects the other users. Remember America, Class Action Lawsuits are VERY EFFECTIVE - if the government is mad you must put it on a leash.

13.) No hacking, No Bots, No multiple accounts to the same person or you are gone.

The Part Owner will not modify, reverse engineer, use Bots nor Sock Puppet accounts on or through this software nor tamper with it for any reason under penalty of forfeiture of such software and all related profits of same to the Primary Owner.

No hacking the software without surrendering what you made so we can see and counter future threats that may come from it.

14.) Primary Ownership is reserved to the Creator and Financer exclusively, once we retire, die or are incarcerated - the Part Owners become the Primary Owners meaning our powers under this contract become yours.

Primary Ownership of the Software and its related club are reserved for the Creator and Financer exclusively.

Primary Ownership can only be changed through retirement of the Creator and Financer from inability to perform their function by willful retirement, death or incarceration.

Once retired the Primary Owner shall be the Part Owners Collectively.

Violation of this term by the Primary Owner or any other party trying to acquire Primary Ownership through means other then term 14.) of this CCA will require all involved in the violation to pay 1 million dollars each to every individual Part Owner before Primary Ownership can be changed.

Failure to comply will result in Primary Ownership transferring to the Part Owners Collectively granting them full ownership and access to the software's open source.

Complying by paying all Part Owners 1 million dollars each shall result in the Part Owners keeping the right to their property already purchased and the software will become fully open source, leaving the PArt Owners free to make forks and new versions of such forks as they wish so long as the Part Owners Keep this CCA and do not change it in any way.

No hostile take over by law or other means.

15.) Upon retirement of the Creator and Financer, no new versions will be made, Forks on the other hand are in your hands as the user base.

Once the Creator and Financer retire as Primary Owner, no new versions of their software will be built, the Part Owners now the Primary Owners collectively, will have access to the Source Code, can make forks and new versions of these forks so long as it follows this CCA without change. As Primary Owners the Part Owners can perform all functions reserved to the Primary Owner.

Once finished we will step off and let the next generation make what is needed as they need it.

16.) We offer a 10 Million Dollar Award for the release of Free Energy and other Needed Technologies as open source and open patient - This is what your $20.01 allows us to pays for (In the app - see group "DigitalSeaAward" for more information).

All profit from the sale of this software shall go into an account, after all costs are paid the remainder will be left uncollected or evenly distributed at a value of no less then 1 cent per Primary Owner - at each Primary Owners discretion.

Uncollected funds shall be used to pay the Digital Sea Award of 10 Million dollars to Part Owners and Primary Owners who release needed technologies or desirable discoveries to the world as open source and open patient with full discloser on the math, science, and construction of same.

Further, 2 Years of peer review and real world use of the technology must be demonstrated to give the award.

//If One or more Primary Owners have left a total of 10 million dollars in profits uncollected, they will singularly or as a group pay the award from these profits they did not collect to the recipient of their choosing who meets the requirements to receive the Digital Sea Award. //

Owners split what's left and the fractions of a penny or what is uncollected will go into a prize given to people who advance the human race with technologies the Primary Owners and Part Owners agree are needed and deserve reward

17.) People will be elected to ensure the Digital Sea Award is paid out and managed properly.

leave to each part owner? $10 of their purchase is given back to them as bit coin and they give to the recipient?

//The title Treasurer will be given to any Primary Owner who both volunteered for and is elected to perform such task.

To be elected, a Candidate who volenteers for such duty will be discussed amongst the Primary Owners for a years time, at the end of which 75% or more of the Primary Owners active on this system 9 of the last 12 consecutive months must vote in favor of them to become legally responsible for ensuring term 16 is handled in accordance with this CCA as well as the law in the country the Treasurer operates out of.

There can be no more than 10 Treasurer's active at any time. When a new Treasurer is elected there will be a grace period of 6 month to allow for a public audit of votes, finances, records, and to make needed changes to the structure of the entity and its tax requierments - if any, so as to ensure proper hand off from the other Treasurer('s) or to engage in other legal matters to finalize the transfer.

Each Treasurer will be personally responsible for all lost or missing funds during their time as treasurer which will start after the proper hand off from the other Treasurer('s) is complete. You can not be a treasurer more than once, nor for more than 8 years.

All Treasurers must agree to any transfer of funds out of the account. The DigitalSea Award will have its funds collected within and paid to winners of the award from//

Public Audits can be required by the Primary Owners and Part Owners at any time so long as 20% of their number request such through the Digital Sea App.

Treasurers are to be paid a half a million dollars a year//.

Safe guard and checks to prevent embezzling, it is easy work and they will usually just collect a paycheck to do nothing - but let us keep them honest by bribing them before anyone else yes?

18.) We will not use tracking cookies or spyware.

Tracking cookies will not be used to monitor or report on a Part Owner or Primary Owners activities within this software, its versions nor forks nor to monitor keystrokes or save username/password data not directly related to your apps login data. Your search histories and other such activities on this site will not be shared without a lawful warrent.

Privacy Protection done right.

19.) Free users / Guests can not send or get files or text to protect minors

All Part Owners and Primary Owners can use all of this softwares functions, but Guests using the free version DigitalSeaLite will be unable to share anything in a non text format.

If they can't see the pic then its only the text you gotta worry about - a nail in the groomers coffin.

20.) We have a 2 month refund policy

Refunds will be allowed within the first 2 months of purchasing the software, at which point your membership in this private club will terminate along with your account and all money returned...

Nuff said?

<21.) The CCA cannot be changed... EVER. (pending addition to this CCA, not active as of yet

This CCA cannot be changed by Fork, version or other reasons defined or undefined. This term comes into effect if Primary Ownership Changes or the Financer and Creator say this CCA is finished.

We can't censor you via change of CCA<

DigitalSeaLite - Windows 10 - Early Alpha Release 01/06/2022

"Agreed, no one likes trolls - I just found a proper application for the phenomena.
Arm them with knowledge and let them troll the traitors in their governments world wide
for fun and profit, class action lawsuits are very effective..."

- Halchair

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